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Handshake is an online career database that serves current 博彩网址大全 students and alumni, 雇佣学生工人的大学院系和校外雇主.



  • 您可以通过博彩网址大全 Apps Dashboard登录您的Handshake帐户. 一旦你 通过Okta登录,从图标列表中选择握手.
  • 在读学生在博彩网址大全时将自动收到握手档案. 访问 在自动入职之前提出的请求将不予批准. 


  • 发送电子邮件至 handshake@und-ich.com including your full name, graduation year and the email address you'd like associated 有了账户.


  • 要在Handshake上建立帐户,请发送电子邮件 handshake@und-ich.com

  • If you’ve filled a position and would like to expire your posting early, please email handshake@und-ich.com. 帖子会在90天内自动过期.


要登录现有帐户,请访问 slu.joinhandshake.com 然后用你的邮箱和密码登录. 要重置密码,请点击“忘记” 密码.'


职业服务 would like to make all students aware of the increase in employment 机会诈骗. 在全国范围内,就业中心报告的人数有所增加 通过各种网络场所提交的虚假帖子.

作为求职者,请谨慎对待那些需要你提供资金的职位 up front for a "start up" business; positions that provide you payment before any service has been rendered; and especially those that ask you to deposit a check in 你的银行账户,然后把钱汇给一个不知名的人.

Please know that our office is doing everything possible to try and ensure that these 帖子不会通过Handshake提交.

如果你对《博彩网址大全》中的职位有疑问,请联系 劳拉Schrubb.


在利用就业服务的材料和服务之前,这是很重要的 您已阅读、理解并同意以下使用条款和条件:


博彩网址大全 makes no representations or warranties relative to the positions 由职业服务中心列出、推荐、协调或发布. 同样,大学 is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or any other aspect of internships, externships, volunteer work and/or employment obtained or sought through the services 博彩网址大全职业服务系的教授. 它最终是你的 responsibility to research the safety and integrity of the organizations and/or employers 你所联想到的. 我们强烈建议您谨慎使用 sense when applying for, considering, or accepting any position with an organization, 公司或私人聚会. 你不应该单独去一个住宅地址 去申请一份工作,不要把自己置于一个脆弱的位置.

Even what might appear to be the best job opportunity is not worth jeopardizing your 个人安全. 某些信息还可能包含网站链接或转介 or employer's information not under the control of 职业服务 and we cannot be 对任何此类信息、网站或材料的内容负责. 职业服务 提供这些资料和服务只是为了方便您. 博彩网址大全 assumes no liability for acts of omissions by third parties or for any materials supplied 由他们.

In consideration for the right to participate in the services and activities and to utilize the materials provided by 职业服务, you agree to release, indemnify, and hold the University, its trustees, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all liability, claims, suits, actions, damages, settlements and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of injuries to you, to other persons or damage to property in connection with your acceptance or utilization of 职业服务' material, services, activities and use of the University's facilities 或设备,无论是发生在大学本身的财产 or elsewhere, during such use, before or after such use, going to and from such use 在可用停车场内或附近,或在其他/其他地方,无论如何 any negligence that might be alleged against, or attributed to the university or any 本协议项下受赔偿的人. 通过向就业服务中心提交个人信息, you hereby consent to disclosure of such personally identifiable information to any employer, future employer or any other participant in the activities, events and services 由就业服务中心提供,除非你以书面通知我们.

职业服务 is pleased to have you take part in the activities and utilize the 我们部门提供的服务和材料. 如果你有问题的话 或在任何时候需要额外的帮助,请不要犹豫与我们联系.

博彩网址大全的Handshake数据库提供实习和工作列表, resume databases, on-campus recruiting services to students and alumni of Saint 路易斯大学. 职业服务项目的目的是为毕业生的追求做准备 在其学习领域或相关领域就业. 然而,大学 不能保证毕业生将被安排在任何特定的工作或就业 在所有. 这些在线服务是由博彩网址大全就业服务中心赞助的.

博彩网址大全 职业服务 is committed to protecting the privacy of its students, alumni, 和雇主有关收集和获取电子个人信息的规定. 通过使用握手,您同意将您的简历和个人资料存储在 non-博彩网址大全-provided服务器. 



Employer usage of the Handshake database is limited to employment/recruiting purposes 只有.

Registered employers must comply with all Federal, State, Local laws and established 平权行动/平等就业机会法规和指导方针. 职业生涯 Services reserves the right for any or no reason to deny access to any employer, 同时保留拒绝和/或编辑招聘信息的权利 该大学在大学的唯一和绝对的决定权. 雇主可联络 学生只作招聘/就业用途. 销售或招揽商品 and/or services to students via this database or information obtained from this source 是不允许的. 被就业服务中心认为不专业的学生联系方式将被取消 not be tolerated, the offending employer may be permanently blocked from usage. All job/internship postings must accurately reflect the actual duties of the opportunity 模棱两可的帖子可能会被拒绝.

Third Party Recruiters: Third party employment services are companies, agencies, organizations, 或者个人为公司或公司的就业机会招聘候选人 他们自己以外的地方. 所有第三方就业服务必须遵守 以下几点:

  1. Third party employment services must follow the same policies and procedures established for company recruiters including, without limitation, full compliance with Federal, State, Local laws and established Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity 规例及指引.
  2. Third party employment services may recruit 只有 for clients they represent and have 在本办事处登记. 所有在博彩网址大全就业服务中心发布的职位必须包含 客户名称. 求职者的姓名和/或简历可能会泄露 not be used for subsequent job openings or for solicitation of employer clients (unless 各候选人已提出并同意了具体安排.)不收费 可由候选人承担.

平等就业机会委员会声明:博彩网址大全管理层看待平权法案 平等就业机会是一项重大的政策承诺,也是一项重要的政策 管理目标. 因此,这是我们的政策,所有雇主通过职业 Services will recruit, hire, train, promote and in all ways provide fair treatment on the basis of the merit without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, 性取向、残疾、年龄或退伍军人身份.

In consideration for an employer's participation in the Handshake database, the acceptance of which shall be deemed by employer's participation in the program, employer agrees to release, indemnify, hold 博彩网址大全, its trustees, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all liability, claims, suits, actions, damages, settlements and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of injuries to persons or damages to property in connection with employer's activities 学生或雇主参与握手,学生参与 employer's facilities or use of employer's equipment, whether from an occurrence at the property of the facility itself during such use, before or after such use, going to and from such use in or about available parking areas, or otherwise, AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY NEGLIGENCE THAT MIGHT BE ALLEGED AGAINST, OR ATTRIBUTED TO SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY 或在本协议项下受赔偿的任何个人或实体. 雇主进一步同意支付任何 court costs or attorney's fees incurred or paid by 博彩网址大全 to enforce 本协议项下的任何义务. 


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